Wednesday 18 May 2016

Sorrow is happiness best friend :)

Here I am!!To say Hello.. :D :D :D hahahahaha...... So yeah here i am to just like blabber about something about my likes and dislikes. Well, i think it has been clearly proven that i am freakingly bored. Like bored to death!

First of all, beyond everything HUMANITY matters the most to me no matter in what kinda situation. Like yeah, I am a human and people around me are HUMANS.. So why not we treat everyone the same yeah? Some people will ask, "Why am i supposed to respect someone who treated me like a fool".. THere is only one answer for that man! Well, whats the difference between you and that person than if you are not willing to respect them!
Like most of the time Racism speaks more than everything. The thing which will make me PISSED OFF! HELL no to racism. If you are racist than back off.. Haha.. I just don't get the logic sometime in this kinda racist people. You you gonna achieve lah by being racist! We all are humans! We all have the same rights dude! Do understand that! Racist people are just too immature for me >.< Oooopss... hahaha....                            

                                                                     (To be continued.. Mummy calling.. :P )

Monday 16 May 2016

Out OF School💘💘💘

Woahh...Hello ,my bloggy💕 It has been quite some time since i have updated here.. Im proud and happy to say that im finally out of school...yahooo...woooo... Im no more a school kid! But well as everyone said i do miss the memories of school life! (Don't get me wrong,i dont miss the school but i miss the memories and my friends😄😄)  Basically im a Boarding school student so yeah.. Haha..macam2 kitorang buat... So ni dah 2 bulan since mu results are out and agak kecewa jugak ahh sebab tak dapat biasiswa apa2... Huaaa... And last2 like terpaksa and now rela lah,, haha, terima tawaran to Masuk Matrikulasi... Rasa macam the only choice i have in order to achieve my dream!😉😉 So like soon i nak daftar kat KMM(Kolej matrikulasi Melaka)... adabanyak lagi nak story tapi kesuntukan masa now..Will be back...

                                                                 To be continued.........
Love birds😙😙

Monday 1 June 2015

My Life during cuti sem (1.june.2015) Monday

Well,actually rasa lonely giler kat rumah..It's my semester holidays and im at home now..Back from MRSM Pengkalan Hulu on 28 may 2015..After the freaking add maths exam..rasa macam nak pengsan je..I was really stressed up..Balik rumah,i really couldn't adapt kat rumah sampai mama dah start bising..What a life man!!Orang nak stress pown tak boleh  When i was on my way to The house,i received an unexpected message from someone...Tergelak i baca message tuh..katanya the particular person misses me...huahuahua.. I had a freaking hard time with it..but thome memories are realy precious ♡ Then,i setteled everything ..sad but im in a state of relief :) 
         Kalau kat maktab i suka sembang,balik rumah takde teman nak sembang..boleh jadi giler kowt kalau macam ni..This is the cuti yang i paling rindu manusia2 kat maktab kowt..My ohana kat maktab (Mummy,JIHAH),(Adik,AZMA)..My crazy roomates(RIGA,ROSYAFINY ANNE,SUTCHITRA,ANUSHKA,LEONG,LEELA), My study groupmates (NICK,SURAYA,MISYA,DANIAL RASID,DELI), My Peer's buddin family, My classmates,THE 04 VENGERS'(ABAM,ZATY,IZNI,YANI,ALLISYA,SHAHIRAH,S.I,DATO SYUURA,FAA,EISYA EINSYIRAH,MIRA CHOMBI,KILA CA,NAIIHAH,LEONG,NICK,DANIAL RASID,AZMA,FAREEZ,ARMAN,AQIL,AFIQ FAHMI,THAAS,AFIQ FIRHAN,LUKMAN,JOKER,KOCAN,SYAMERULLE,& DT) .....These people really make my life happy in this 5 or maybe 2 years ....I really treasure them..Sorry korang kalah ada buat salah and silap..Pavithira sayang korang..arghhh,nak balik maktab but dont wanna do the homeworks...sangatlah banyak..i really got shocked to see the list of homeworks in web ......sumpah,i x expect sebanyak itu...But takpe everything for my good..sebab cikgu sayang anak murid they are giving home work sk that we will youch the books at home..lagi pun exam dah dekat and i realize that!!!
           Wan,has been a long luahan perasaan...but nak buat macamner..inilah tempatnya!! ->TO BE CONTINUED 

Saturday 20 April 2013

19 April 2013~wednesday

OMG!!!I just can describe it by 1 word!AWESOME!For the first time in my life i have ever touched a rugby ball!!Even i played touch rugby!!Thank you Cikgu Azhar for letting me to experience it!Thanks again for teaching me to do play rugby!!I JUST LOVE IT<3 and when i told my mum about that she told me not to play because my attitude itself already like a guy n if i play rugby i will become even more rough!I burst into laugh!Rugby,rugby, Oh my Rugby !!!!!! <3 it ya..:D
 @thirapvtira :)